Ted Perzanowski, M. Div., B. A.

Ted Perzanowski, M.Div., B.A.


“I could write novels about how much the work I’ve done with Ted has impacted my life’s journey. Ted lovingly, accurately, and safely taught me how to deal with the most recurring, haunting issues in my adult life. He has given me the tools to know my history, accept my past, and move along with grace.”

Woman, mid-30s

“I can only say that after many years of trying to find out what was wrong with me, my thoughts were correct: nothing. It is amazing how our childhoods shape us and how our parents’ voices stay with us for our entire lives. Ted can show you how to listen and to finally trust your own inner voice. This work is incredible and has been life-changing for me. The journey with Ted is very professional, yet kind and focused.”

Man, mid-50s

Proust once said, “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” Ted’s most significant contribution to our lives has been to assist us to see what we are seeing with new eyes.We do not “work on” our relationship per se. With Ted’s help we strive to remove the template of the past and see the present for what it truly is. Ted has become a most trusted companion as we continue this journey to wherever it may lead.”

Man, mid-70s, speaking for
himself and his wife